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Year: 2021

Articles created in the year 2021

Why Overcoming Conditioned Beliefs is Vital to Self Improvement and Success

Posted on December 4, 2021 by James Simmons
Lots of men and women that are seriously interested in self improvement and making positive changes have difficulty making the progress and getting the results they need.There may be several reasons for this, but one common issue is that some individuals have become so conditioned in their thinking that, though they need success, their deeply held beliefs and conditioning may actually sabotage their best efforts...

Self Improvement and Why We Must Face and Overcome Our Fears

Posted on November 9, 2021 by James Simmons
Among the biggest reasons that many people struggle with self improvement and achieving success and happiness is because they have difficulty overcoming their fears.Fears can take on several forms, and nearly every one has fears of some type.Many Fears might appear irrational to almost everybody but the person involved, and also the most unlikely of people could be paralysed by the most unlikely of fears...

Are You Sending Conflicting Messages?

Posted on October 23, 2021 by James Simmons
Everything you guarantee versus what you're doing.You may send a contradictory message if you direct customers to expect a level of service that differs from what you normally supply.Over-eagerness to be more responsive, or to exceed or match a competitor's service, can allow you to commit to an overly ambitious level of support.Customers who don't get the guaranteed services quickly learn how to ignore your claims and also to anticipate instead, the amount of service they're actually receiving...

"Reboundability": An Essential Skill.

Posted on September 12, 2021 by James Simmons
What does it mean to "rebound quickly"? Rebounding is the ability to rapidly recover from perceived failure and loss.It means breaking old mental patterns and behaviors that keep you stuck and miserable.People lacking great"reboundability" skills participate in harmful patterns of self-punishment, which necessarily contributes to loved ones suffering as well.This may come in the shape of irritability, depression, sadness, depression, physical, psychological or physical abuse, alcoholism, and over-working merely to name a few! These unwanted habits make it almost impossible to keep a really happy and contented life...

Keeping a Journal Will Help You Through the Change Process

Posted on August 19, 2021 by James Simmons
The change process - whatever its intent - includes a collection of small, incremental events, many of which may escape notice if not recorded.That is one of the functions of a diary.But there is much more to journaling than that.Let's spend a couple of minutes analyzing the action of journaling as a successful facilitator -- and recorder -- of change.There are numerous answers to the question,"What's a journal?" The most obvious is the fact that it is a written record of those events in someone's day, week, month, year or life; this is, a history...

Self Improvement and Dealing with Challenges

Posted on July 24, 2021 by James Simmons
During our lives we all constantly face conditions which may be caused either by events beyond our control our own conclusions.How we deal with these setbacks will have a fantastic influence on the Self Improvement and achievement.It can be quite easy to become frustrated and resentful.Setbacks can dent our confidence and make us question our beliefs.Sometimes we could even feel there's no alternative but to give up on our aims and goals...

Strive or Strife?

Posted on June 13, 2021 by James Simmons
The successful among us understand and use certain traits in order for them to attain their targets.Now some persons think that these people were born this way when in fact they needed to develop their winning traits.Strivers have an eye for opportunity as they are quick to grasp the situation as it presents itself.In other words they easily understand the solution to a frequent need.Strifers don't find these opportunities as they are busy complaining about life...

How Much Dysfunction Should You Allow Into Your Life?

Posted on May 19, 2021 by James Simmons
Just what is dysfunction? It's a word culture, although probably overused, labels most everything and anything.But, its true feature can be characterized as a drawback that's mostly hurtful and counterproductive.A parent who always talks down to their kids in the efforts of suppressing their self esteem would be an ideal mentioning of dysfunction.It's quite evident that none of us can escape malfunction...

Smile and World Smiles Back at You

Posted on April 2, 2021 by James Simmons
Most of us have our area of influence in the society.This is that portion of the society with which we interact intentionally or otherwise.In this field of influence our reputation or operation in the society is indicated by how other individuals accept us how many and what sorts of friends we have; how many readers, leads, clients, critics, well-wishers we have and can retain.A nationwide leader will have whole nation in his area of influence...