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Tag: doing

Articles tagged as Doing

A Little Something About Life

Posted on January 3, 2023 by James Simmons
Life is often a very interesting phenomenon.However, usually we have been too busy living or fretting about it to essentially understand its importance.From time-to-time, we have to stand back and have a look at where we have been inside our lives to be able to understand and appreciate the lessons that we've learned so far.Subsequently, doing that helps us to raised understand where it really is that we 're going later on...

Self Improvement and a Strong Work Ethic

Posted on May 22, 2022 by James Simmons
If we would like to make more of ourselves and our own lives, and seek self improvement, it is crucial to develop a solid work ethic.If we're at a project or a situation that we dislike, we have to be ready to make a determination.We must choose to do the best work we could do in that circumstance, or do it to get out.These are the only real choices if self esteem is important to us.If there are any prospects of promotion in any position, someone who works hard and is eager and willing, will most likely be noticed by the individuals who can help...

Are You Sending Conflicting Messages?

Posted on January 23, 2022 by James Simmons
Everything you guarantee versus what you're doing.You may send a contradictory message if you direct customers to expect a level of service that differs from what you normally supply.Over-eagerness to be more responsive, or to exceed or match a competitor's service, can allow you to commit to an overly ambitious level of support.Customers who don't get the guaranteed services quickly learn how to ignore your claims and also to anticipate instead, the amount of service they're actually receiving...