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Tag: failure

Articles tagged as Failure

Self Improvement and Why We Must Face and Overcome Our Fears

Posted on November 9, 2021 by James Simmons
Among the biggest reasons that many people struggle with self improvement and achieving success and happiness is because they have difficulty overcoming their fears.Fears can take on several forms, and nearly every one has fears of some type.Many Fears might appear irrational to almost everybody but the person involved, and also the most unlikely of people could be paralysed by the most unlikely of fears...

"Reboundability": An Essential Skill.

Posted on September 12, 2021 by James Simmons
What does it mean to "rebound quickly"? Rebounding is the ability to rapidly recover from perceived failure and loss.It means breaking old mental patterns and behaviors that keep you stuck and miserable.People lacking great"reboundability" skills participate in harmful patterns of self-punishment, which necessarily contributes to loved ones suffering as well.This may come in the shape of irritability, depression, sadness, depression, physical, psychological or physical abuse, alcoholism, and over-working merely to name a few! These unwanted habits make it almost impossible to keep a really happy and contented life...